Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Try It" Tuesday

Ok. So like I said, I like to try new things. My goal is to be able to try something new each week and post it here every Tuesday and call it "Try It Tuesday." Kinda like "try it before you buy it." I'll give you my two cents and you can decide if you want to purchase the product yourself. Sound good? Great! Let's get started! Here's my latest try:

Healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt. These little babies are only 100 calories per cup and come in a pack of 3 for $2.50 at Walmart. I was so excited when I found these because I'm currently on a 1200 calorie diet and healthy 100 calorie treats are a staple for me. There are a few flavors to choose from (blueberry, raspberry and strawberry), but I tried the Honey Swirl. When I got home, I couldn't wait to tear into the box! I grabbed a spoon and a warm blanket, got cozy on the couch and dug in. Then my world kinda stopped turning. I was experiencing a very bittersweet moment and I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. First, the bad news: this particular flavor tasted just like a bouquet of flowers. Literally. I called my husband over and asked him to taste the yogurt. He looked at me a little sideways and refused. "Smell it, then," I said. He shook his head and kept reading his magazine. "What's wrong with it," he asked. "Well, it tastes like a flower and I'm not so sure why..." And I'm still not sure why. Why should my honey vanilla Greek frozen yogurt taste like flowers? Do you know? Honey comes from bees and flowers, but I've never had any taste like flowers. I'm baffled. Even still...
The good news? Believe it or not, there really is good news about this product and here it is: I absolutely loved the texture! It was like golden silk in my mouth. And guess what? I ate the whole cup. Two days later, I ate the second cup. Apparently the texture was so great for me, I really didn't care that I was eating a bottle of my grandma's perfume.
Bottom line: I will definitely try this brand again, just not this particular flavor. Any thoughts?

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